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Messianic Library

We have a vision to establish a world-class Messianic library.  This library will offer the Body a place to come study the Word alongside authors who have written from a Messianic-friendly perspective.  

After the Holocaust, scholars from the Jewish and Christian worlds began to study together in the quest to understand how supposedly Christian Germany and supposedly Christian Europe had allowed such a mass slaughter of innocent Jews.  Their conclusion was that “replacement theology” (also known as supersessionism) was the root problem.  For centuries, the Christian leaders taught various forms of replacement theology.  In its simplest form, this teaching emphasizes that the Church has replaced Israel.  In its more hidden or subtle forms, this teaching emphasizes that the Old Testament has been abolished.  Since the Jewish and Christian scholars were now rejecting replacement theology after World War II, they began to revisit the history of the first century and the teachings of the Jewish leaders and Jesus’ disciples of the first century.  This effort by the Jewish and Christian scholars after World War II became the foundation for “Jewish-Christian studies” or “Messianic Jewish theology.”  Our local attempts to establish a library are built upon these efforts to rebirth a Messianic Jewish theology that is true to the original intent of Jesus and His first followers.

Messianic Library

Messianic Library

We have a vision to establish a world-class Messianic library.  This library will offer the Body a place to come study the Word alongside authors who have written from a Messianic-friendly perspective.


After the Holocaust, scholars from the Jewish and Christian worlds began to study together in the quest to understand how a supposedly Christian nation like Germany within a supposedly Christian Europe had allowed such a mass slaughter of innocent Jews.  Their conclusion was that “replacement theology” (also known as supersessionism) was the root problem.  For centuries, the Christian leaders taught various forms of replacement theology.  In its simplest form, this teaching emphasizes that the Church has replaced Israel or that the Old Testament has been abolished.  In its more hidden or subtle forms, replacement theology is expressed by ignoring the Jewish people since they are not Christians. Since the Jewish and Christian scholars were rejecting replacement theology after World War II, they began to revisit the history of the first century and the teachings of the Jewish leaders and Jesus’ disciples of the first century.  This effort by the Jewish and Christian scholars after World War II became the foundation for “Jewish-Christian studies” or “Messianic Jewish theology.”


Our local attempts to establish a library are built upon these efforts to rebirth a Messianic Jewish theology that is true to the original intent of Jesus and His first followers.

Our initial expression of this library is a list of online resources at your disposal.  Free classes are currently available through the Messianic Life InstituteContact us regarding endorsements of institutions offering paid or accredited classes.


Image by Ben White

Suggested Reading

Shifting Nations through Houses of Prayer – Rick and Patricia Ridlings

Bridal Intercession – Gary Wiens

Mourning for the Bridegroom – Dana Candler

A.W. Tozer: Three Spiritual Classics in One Volume:

The Knowledge of the Holy, The Pursuit of God, and God's Pursuit of Man – A.W.Tozer

Prison to Praise  – Merlin Carothers

Sacred Marriage – Gary Thomas

Sacred Parenting – Gary Thomas

Spiritual Authority – Watchman Nee

The Final Quest Trilogy – Rick Joyner

The Path – Rick Joyner

The Valley – Rick Joyner

The Fourth Turning – William Strauss

Becoming One – Jack Jacobs

Awakening the One New Man – Robert Wolff, Editor

What About Us – Eitan Shishkoff

Inclusion Versus Replacement – Dan Juster

Has the Church Replaced Israel – Michael Vlach

Assumptions that Affect Our Lives – Christian Overman

Introduction to Messianic Judaism – David Rudolph and Joel Willitts (Editors)

The Cry – Patricia Juster

Mutual Blessing – Dan Juster

Covenant Relationships – Asher Intrater

Israel, the Church, and the Last Days – Dan Juster, Asher Intrater

Jewish Roots – Dan Juster

Who Ate Lunch with Abraham? – Asher Intrater



Further Study


Rabbi David Rudolph (PhD, Cambridge) is one of the leading Messianic Jewish scholars in the world, along with a great friend of Tikkun.  Beloved for his gentle nature, he is internationally acclaimed for his scholarship and award-winning doctoral dissertation A Jew to the Jews that addressed the Apostle Paul’s faithfulness to the Torah while ministering to Gentile Christians.  Rudolph is currently the Director of Messianic Jewish Studies at The King’s University.  Dr. Rudolph has multiple websites to help the Body find solid Messianic Jewish scholarship, including Rabbi David, Messianic Judaism, Messianic Gentiles, Messianic Studies, Paul within Judaism, Post-Supersessionism, and the correlated Society for Post-Supersessionist Theology.  These resources are a great start for your online Messianic Library.

Physical Mailing Address:

2800 N. 6th St, Unit 1-312

St. Augustine, FL 32084


Ancient City Baptist Church

27 Sevilla St, St. Augustine, FL 32084

Meeting Hours:

Monday Nights


©2025 First Coast House of Prayer

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