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Vision Statement

Our emphasis is to see God move mightily in St. Augustine, the First Coast region of northeast Florida, and Israel.  By focusing on our local community and this historic city, an impact will be made that reaches the nations.  By blessing Israel, an impact will be made in the land of Israel as well as here locally.


Vision & Mission

Vision and Mission 


Vision - To see God move mightily in St. Augustine, the First Coast region of northeast Florida, and Israel


Mission - Serving within three pillars of ministry ... 


  1. To pray for leaders in the First Coast, including connecting them

  2. To provide a "prayer room" for worship and intercession

  3. To bring the message of repentance found in Revelation 2:1-5 when God commanded us to repent from having turned away from Him as our first love ... returning to loving Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.


One New Man - Values and Status

Value - We are passionate about seeing the "one new man" (Eph 2:15) of Messianic Jews and Christians worshipping and praying together.  Specifically, we are establishing a house of worship, prayer, and study ... following styles from houses of prayer across the nations, the Jewish beth midrash (house of study and worship), and specifically the houses of prayer in Israel.  By establishing an American prototype, we hope to inspire and serve other houses of prayer toward embracing Israel at the next level.  Status - We are worshipping and praying together weekly, while also reading the book Shifting Nations Through Houses of Prayer by Rick and Patricia Ridings.


Value - We treasure the Holy Spirit as the gateway to connecting with the Father and the Son.  Jesus said, "But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away!  For if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you" (John 16:7).  Status - We are praying in the Spirit as a lifestyle, so that we become "a dwelling place of God in the Spirit" (Eph 2:22).


Value - We trust that when the apostolic and prophetic leaders of a region gather, a foundation will be built for a holy temple (Eph 2:20). Status - As we connect with apostolic and prophetic leaders, regardless of occupation, unity will accelerate the goal of establishing the First Coast region as "a dwelling place of God in the Spirit" (Eph 2:22).


Value - We honor and bless the fathers and mothers who have gone before us the past few decades, as well as those in past centuries who established the First Coast.  Status - In order to build upon their foundation, we are beginning to research the history of the region ... with an emphasis on the work by intercessors and leaders in recent decades.

Join Our Community

We are raising up 500 intercessors that are willing to pray for our local team based here in St. Augustine.  If you would like to be connected to our ministry and receive updates, sign up below ...

Thanks for submitting!

Physical Mailing Address:

2800 N. 6th St, Unit 1-312

St. Augustine, FL 32084


Ancient City Baptist Church

27 Sevilla St, St. Augustine, FL 32084

Meeting Hours:

Monday Nights


©2025 First Coast House of Prayer

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